As you can see, Senora Carvajal's banner, advertising the free trade zone she hopes to build on her entire tract of land (including the CDCA's land which she's claiming to own) is now hanging on the roadside fence not 20' west of the CDCA's main entrance.
And today, the CDCA received court summons to appear 18 July 2008 in response to Sra. Carvajal's first lawsuit against the CDCA. This is the case in which she claims ownership of the CDCA's land where the sewing cooperative, the new spinning cooperative, the biodiesel production, etc. are located. The hopeful news, from the CDCA's perspective, is that the Attorney General's office has been granted third party presence in the case, weighing in against Sra. Carvajal's claim. She, on the other hand, has been denied her request for a third party presence in support of her claim. We'll know more after the court date on July 18.